Category Archives: magazine

Player, South Africa’s Best Golfer.

Gary Jim Player, or better known as Gary Player, was born in Johannesburg, South Africa on November 1, 1935. Gary Player is one of the world’s golfers whose skills are recognized as the greatest in the history of the game of golf.  At the age of 29, Player won the US Open in 1965 and […]

There’s a Lot You Don’t Know About the Golf Caddy!

The hot sun on Friday afternoon did not make these young girls hot. They are compact wearing a tight yellow uniform complete with a hat as a protective attribute. On average they are beautiful and attractive. Moreover, supported by a proportional body shape, they are more like the capital’s artists than the profession they are […]

The World’s Most Difficult Sport is Golf?

According to research by experts, golf is one of the most difficult sports in the world. So if you feel like you are not progressing or the score is up and down, please understand. Golf is the only sport where the champion cannot win in 60% of the tournaments he participates in. Just look at […]

Get Your Champion Attitude!

Attitudes are learned habits of thought, and habits can be changed. This is true even if your pattern of self talk exists outside of golf as well. If you are a negative and self-destructive thinker, you have learned to be. Habitually thinking in a negative and self-destructive manner will ensure the breakdown of even the […]

Playing Golf in The Middle of a Pandemic is Not an Obstacle

The Covid19 pandemic did not become an obstacle for athletes and golf lovers to practice, because during the pandemic there were actually many athletes and golf lovers such as beginners playing golf at the Golf Course at km 5 Palangka Raya. This was stated by the Central Kalimantan Golf Coach, Sugeng to RRI. Sunday (16/01/2022). […]

Organize Your Game with These Tips!

That great golf goals, whether written or typed, studies have shown will make the chances of you achieving them at least 16% greater than if you only think about them? How easy is that?! These three super-organizing-goals are sure to help you get your play off to a great new beginning in 2021 and beyond. […]

Understanding Your Emotional Stability in Golf

In The Mystery of Golf, Arnold Haultain proposes that “a veritable demon seems to enter a golfer on the links”. He asks, “what otherwise would cause a golfer to transgress from even the most elementary rule such as keeping the eye on the ball or refraining from ‘pressing’ or ‘hurrying the stroke?’. Top golfers with […]

Invite Children to Activities Outside

The sport of golf is no longer only in demand among adults. Children also pay attention to this game. What are the benefits that can be obtained from golf for your little one? If you look at the last few years, there have been many schools or golf courses specifically designed for children. The age […]

Golf Link with Psychology

The participants of the Golf Talk entitled Improve your Game by Mastering your Mental Skill, which was held by PCGC some time ago, were really “surprised” by the appearance of Putri – her nickname – who was the moderator of the two speakers in the webinar: Hans Silvano (Mental Toughness Coach – MTRI, United States) […]

If a Golf Ball Gets Stuck in a Tree in Golf, Then How?

If you’ve been watching golf over the years, you’ve no doubt heard about or seen players hitting golf balls offline, seeing them hit into the trees and occsaionally get stuck. They’ll show several replays, including in slo-mo, of the ball going into the tree’s canopy, getting stuck and never coming out. Turns out, this is […]

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