Merasa marah adalah bagian dari kehidupan manusia, tetapi penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa marah yang sering dan tidak terkendali dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung. Sebuah studi terbaru yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal medis terkenal menyoroti hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kemarahan yang tinggi dan kesehatan jantung yang buruk. Studi ini, yang melibatkan ribuan peserta, menemukan bahwa individu […]
Tag Archives: healthy
Tidur nyenyak di malam hari tidak hanya membuat kita merasa lebih baik saat menjalani hari, tetapi juga memiliki berbagai manfaat bagi kesehatan mental dan fisik. Tidur berkualitas dapat membantu menjaga tekanan darah tetap stabil, meningkatkan fungsi kognitif, dan mengurangi risiko kanker. Namun, banyak dari kita tidak mendapatkan cukup tidur setiap malam karena paparan cahaya biru […]
In The Mystery of Golf, Arnold Haultain proposes that “a veritable demon seems to enter a golfer on the links”. He asks, “what otherwise would cause a golfer to transgress from even the most elementary rule such as keeping the eye on the ball or refraining from ‘pressing’ or ‘hurrying the stroke?’. Top golfers with […]
All types of exercise must have benefits, especially for the health of the person who does it. The activity of moving the limbs is very useful for stimulating the sensory and motor nerves in our body. The higher the intensity of physical activity in a type of sport, the more benefits it will have for […]
Playing Gateball is one of the many ways to increase immunity or health, apart from jogging or other sports. There is one interesting thing that can be tried, especially for parents to stay fit but can relax while doing sports. Play Gateball. A modified sport of the game of croquet using a stick that is […]
In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, exercise is also a part of a healthy lifestyle that everyone needs to do. However, not only for physical, exercise is also good for maintaining mental health, you know. Of course, these benefits can only be felt if you exercise regularly, balanced with other healthy lifestyles, such […]
Insomnia or difficulty sleeping can be bad for your health. If you are an insomniac, there are several things you can do to overcome it. Various ways are done by some people so that their insomnia is cured, and can sleep soundly at the right time for rest. Not infrequently, someone goes to the doctor […]
After a long workout, sweat started pouring profusely. For that, we should immediately fill the lost body fluids. One way to do this is to drink enough water to keep the body hydrated. The American College of Sports Medicine and the International Society of Sports Nutritions even recommend drinking cold water after exercise to restore […]
Basically, exercise done on an empty stomach can maximize fat burning potential. Your body doesn’t process or digest food when you exercise on an empty stomach. Reporting from, the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach are increased liposis, fat oxidation, and decreased insulin levels. Increased liposis is when the body breaks down fat […]
Because the equipment is quite expensive, golf has always been considered synonymous with a high-end sport. However, behind it all, it turns out that the benefits of playing golf can have a positive impact on health. Starting from burning calories to make life longer. In one golf session, it usually takes about 4-5 hours. For […]
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