Invite Children to Activities Outside

The sport of golf is no longer only in demand among adults. Children also pay attention to this game. What are the benefits that can be obtained from golf for your little one?

If you look at the last few years, there have been many schools or golf courses specifically designed for children. The age level also varies, starting from elementary school age. In fact, there is also a golf course that offers children over three years old.

Just like other sports, golf also has benefits for children’s growth. Moreover, seeing your little one who is active and in a period of growth.

Golf can be a game that can support its development optimally. You could say golf is a minimal physical game, but it prioritizes tactics in playing. Therein lies the advantage of the sport.

Due to the absence of physical contact with opponents when playing, Amelia did not hesitate to send her daughter, Shazi, a fifth grader at a school in West Jakarta, to take golf courses at least twice a week.

“Unlike other sports that are physically demanding, golf has minimal risks,” said this housewife when asked about Seputar Indonesia.

Amelia also said that playing golf seems easy, but it’s not. He gave an example, to hit a stationary ball at the beginning of practice, it is quite difficult.

“Even though the ball is in front of our eyes, to hit it is often not hit. That’s why practicing golf teaches children to concentrate and be patient,” he said.

The same thing was said by Head Couch Tee Academy Cengkareng Golf Club Arron Cole. According to Cole, the mental condition of the player, inevitably also honed in this game.

“Patience and composure are needed in the game, both are needed for players to get the ball in,” he said.

So it is not wrong to say, golf helps children to control their emotions. Golf is also useful in training children’s motor nerves, so that they develop better. With the child holding the golf club and swinging it, the motor nerves will be stimulated to develop more fully.

If done regularly, Cole also said that golf can help the concentration of all organs of the body, such as the eyes, feet, and hands. This sport is also very good for heart health, considering that in this sport many players are required to walk.

Adeitya Eduardo Kimura, who coaches golf at the Gading Raya Driving Range, adds an important point to the benefits this sport can provide.

As is known, in golf there are steps that must be followed. Starting from focusing on the ball in front of you and swinging the stick. Where to play golf is not the same, for example at the driving range or golf course.

With the stages that must be passed, it automatically trains children to think systematically. Adeitya doesn’t seem to be exaggerating, Amelia agrees with what she says. It’s been more than two years since her daughter has been practicing golf, and this little girl has changed.

“For sure, he (Shazi) can easily concentrate. When playing golf too, he has to think of a strategy for the next step,” said the 35-year-old woman.

It is different with the confession of Lanny Gunawan, who included his daughter, Mulan Sukrisno, practicing golf at the Tee Academy. Golf makes Mulan more confident. How could it not be, Mulan, who has been practicing golf since an early age, was deliberately encouraged by Lanny to be diligent in participating in various tournaments.

Lanny believes that through the tournament, Mulan’s confidence can be trained. If he finally loses, he must accept the defeat gracefully, and promise to train harder and more enthusiastically.

On the other hand, if you win, teach your child not to overreact to it and not to be blown away by his victory. “So forget the exercise and consider yourself more than other friends,” he said.

Golf has also become an effective means of making achievements as well as satisfying hobbies. The Tee Academy golf school, opens registration for children between the ages of 4–14 years. Meanwhile, Pondok Indah Golf Academy also opened the same class. There are also classes for teens up to 17 years old.

The age of four was chosen because children at that age are quite stable and willing to work together. They were also able to focus more on listening to the training provided. Only, with a very short training period.

Of course, the teacher who accompanies the child must also be patient in teaching. Basically, golf training for children is aimed at getting new seeds in this golf sport. This training is also fully supported by the Indonesian Golf Association (PGI), by organizing a tournament for the junior group every month.

In addition to getting prospective professional players, tournaments are useful for fostering a spirit of love and sportsmanship towards golf. The earlier children practice, who knows, the greater the opportunities open for children to be able to make achievements on the golf course.

Source: okezone

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