Tag Archives: lapangan

Kevin Akbar Lolos Cut Off BNI Indonesian Masters 2023

Sumber Gambar : BNI

Putaran kedua BNI Indonesia Masters 2023 persembahan Tunas Niaga Energy (TNE) menampilkan pertandingan seru antar atlet golf internasional dan domestik. Pada laga tersebut, Kevin Akbar mendampingi Jonathan Widjono lolos mewakili Indonesia di dua babak terakhir. Di sisi lain, Gaganjeet Brar (India) membukukan 4 dibawah par dengan 67 dan tetap menjadi yang tertinggi di turnamen tersebut. […]

Menciptakan Generasi Golf Wanita

Sumber Gambar : antaranews

Sebanyak 120 pegolf wanita amatir meramaikan pada turnamen Shell Golf Series ke-1 yang digelar di Damai Indah Golf, Pantai Indah Kapuk Course, Jakarta, Senin. Bertema “Potensi Turnamen Golf Gerak: Pro-Am”, acara ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan keberagaman dan inklusi dalam olahraga. “Shell Indonesia mendukung pengembangan komunitas golf dan pegolf wanita di Indonesia dan menyediakan platform untuk […]

This is the difference between a professional golfer and an amateur golfer

The game of golf is not just a type of sport, because some people consider it a profession as well as a hobby that can bring a myriad of benefits. There is even a stark difference between an ordinary amateur player and a professional golfer. What distinguishes the two? To get to know him more […]

Philosophy of Golf Sport, Let’s Get To Know Golf More!

Many people say that golf is a type of sport that has many philosophies. Well, on this occasion we will discuss outside the technique of golf sports and the like, but we will discuss the philosophy of the sport of golf, what exactly is it? Teach management There is a saying that if you want […]

Golf Game Apk for PC, Suitable for those of you who like to play golf games on PC

The golf game Apk is not only available for android or iPhone phones. There are still many golf games that can be played on PC. For those of you who prefer to play golf games on PC, here we will share more information for you. By playing this game, the golf game experience will be […]

The Prairie Club, The Most Beautiful Golf Course in the United States

The Prairie Club golf course is anchored by The Prairie Club Lodge, which will offer authentic and relaxing dining and lodging accommodations. The Lodge is a 40,000-square-foot facility available to members and avid golfers. Complementing the Lodge are extensive practice facilities, which will allow members and avid golfers to hone every aspect of their game. […]

Sunrise Golf & Country Club, The Best Course and Resort

Opened in October 1992, Sunrise Golf & Country Club is a multipurpose resort that combines the fun of golf and recreation. This world-class layout was built by Robert Trent Jones Jr., one of the world’s most prestigious course designers. The standard 18-hole course measures 7,200 yards, with beautiful views accented by trees and flowers planted […]

Bincang Bisnis Sambil Main Golf di Yogyakarta

Melakukan promosi dagang atau pertemuan bisnis di lapangan golf adalah tradisi kuno yang sangat dihargai. Jika Anda ingin melakukan pertemuan bisnis sambil bermain golf di Yogyakarta, lapangan golf di Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta adalah tempat yang tepat untuk mendapatkan waktu bersama mitra bisnis atau klien potensial karena letaknya yang strategis, tidak jauh dari pusat kota. Hyatt […]

6 Lapangan Golf Indonesia yang Sering Dikunjungi Turis Asing

lapangan golf di Indonesia bukan hanya bagus untuk berolahraga, tapi juga berpotensi sebagai tempat wisata. Selain karena pemandangannya cantik, lapangan golf juga bisa digunakan sepanjang tahun karena tidak terpengaruh faktor cuaca. Ternyata, ada enam lapangan golf di Indonesia yang sering dikunjungi oleh turis asing. Kali ini Pegipegi ingin membahas lapangan golf tersebut. Siapa tahu kamu […]

Tering Bay Golf & Country Club

Lapangan di Tering Bay Golf ini dibuat oleh salah satu profesional dan selebriti golf terkemuka dunia bernama Greg Norman. Berlokasi seluas 167 hektar, area ini terletak di tengah perbukitan, tanaman hijau tropis yang rimbun, dan danau asli. Melansir laman resminya, Tering Bay disebutkan menjadi salah satu lapangan golf yang menantang. Sumber : Faqihah Muharroroh Itsnaini […]

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