Many people feel that golf is a sport that needs to be expensive to do. Therefore, some people are looking for alternative sports such as golf as an option. For those of you who are interested in the sport of golf but want a cheaper version. Gateball Gateball is a game that combines golf and […]
Tag Archives: Golfsport
For those of you who like to play golf but are often confused about which golf course to rent, then you need to download a golf course booking application. With this application, you can rent a field more simply in the end. You can find out and get information related to the field that is […]
The golf game Apk is not only available for android or iPhone phones. There are still many golf games that can be played on PC. For those of you who prefer to play golf games on PC, here we will share more information for you. By playing this game, the golf game experience will be […]
The Prairie Club golf course is anchored by The Prairie Club Lodge, which will offer authentic and relaxing dining and lodging accommodations. The Lodge is a 40,000-square-foot facility available to members and avid golfers. Complementing the Lodge are extensive practice facilities, which will allow members and avid golfers to hone every aspect of their game. […]
Opened in October 1992, Sunrise Golf & Country Club is a multipurpose resort that combines the fun of golf and recreation. This world-class layout was built by Robert Trent Jones Jr., one of the world’s most prestigious course designers. The standard 18-hole course measures 7,200 yards, with beautiful views accented by trees and flowers planted […]
Gary Jim Player, or better known as Gary Player, was born in Johannesburg, South Africa on November 1, 1935. Gary Player is one of the world’s golfers whose skills are recognized as the greatest in the history of the game of golf. At the age of 29, Player won the US Open in 1965 and […]
Menjadi seorang atlet golf profesional memang tidak mudah namun bukan berarti tidak bisa. Bagi Anda yang ingin menjadi seorang atlet profesional, khususnya atlet golf pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan berbagi cara jadi atlet golf profesional untuk Anda. Dengan cara ini tentu diharapkan Anda yang bercita – cita menjadi seorang atlet golf profesional di masa […]
Ketika membuat sebuah film pasti genre yang dipilih selain drama romantis, action, thriller juga misteri. Jarang banget ada yang membuat film olahraga yang mengisahkan tentang keseharian para atlit dan bagaimana mereka mangatur waktu buat terus bisa menjadi atlit yang baik. Disney, dengan semua kemampuan magisnya, menampilkan film olahraga terbaik dengan nilai moral yang baik dan […]
Hallo sport lovers, penasaran tidak dengan lekukan banyak yang terdapat pada bola golf? Mungkin banyak yang bertanya-tanya apa manfaat dan fungsinya. Menurut Scientific American, bola yang memiliki ratusan lekukan pada permukaannya akan bergerak dua kali lebih jauh dari pada bola yang mulus. Ratusan lekukan pada permukaan bola menghasilkan batas udara di sekitar bola, mengurangi aliran udara […]
Melakukan promosi dagang atau pertemuan bisnis di lapangan golf adalah tradisi kuno yang sangat dihargai. Jika Anda ingin melakukan pertemuan bisnis sambil bermain golf di Yogyakarta, lapangan golf di Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta adalah tempat yang tepat untuk mendapatkan waktu bersama mitra bisnis atau klien potensial karena letaknya yang strategis, tidak jauh dari pusat kota. Hyatt […]