The sport of golf is no longer only in demand among adults. Children also pay attention to this game. What are the benefits that can be obtained from golf for your little one? If you look at the last few years, there have been many schools or golf courses specifically designed for children. The age […]
Tag Archives: birdie
The participants of the Golf Talk entitled Improve your Game by Mastering your Mental Skill, which was held by PCGC some time ago, were really “surprised” by the appearance of Putri – her nickname – who was the moderator of the two speakers in the webinar: Hans Silvano (Mental Toughness Coach – MTRI, United States) […]
If you’ve been watching golf over the years, you’ve no doubt heard about or seen players hitting golf balls offline, seeing them hit into the trees and occsaionally get stuck. They’ll show several replays, including in slo-mo, of the ball going into the tree’s canopy, getting stuck and never coming out. Turns out, this is […]
Not a few people in the world who like this sport, especially those from the elite. However, be wary of staying on the golf course for too long. The reason is, in environmental studies it is stated that there is a lot of use of toxic substances on golf courses. Golf fever in Asia is […]
All types of exercise must have benefits, especially for the health of the person who does it. The activity of moving the limbs is very useful for stimulating the sensory and motor nerves in our body. The higher the intensity of physical activity in a type of sport, the more benefits it will have for […]
Golf management is consistently failing to attract and develop women golfers who love the game. Of course, many women do golf, but the vast majority of players are middle-aged white men. Take a quick look at our data. It shows that nearly three-quarters of the 1 million players who have booked a round of golf […]
How many times have you gone to the driving range and spent five minutes searching frantically for a stall that has the right rubber tee? There are several other golfers doing the same thing, and you’re trying to beat them to the punch. Sadly you get left with the stall that either has no tee, […]
It’s no secret that I think that working more on your short game is the key to becoming a better golfer. There are plenty of people who might disagree, and would show me some statistics to prove otherwise. I disagree with all of them, because statistics can’t take into account the mental side of the […]
The most expensive golf courses in the world are carried by several places to play this sport scattered in various parts of the world. No doubt, playing golf in these three places can further increase your prestige. As is known, the sport of golf itself is quite synonymous with expensive costs. Because, in addition to […]
Woodball is a game similar to golf but with different equipment, how to play and the rules. To promote this sport, which is not widely known to the public, Danrem 071/Wijayakusuma Colonel Kav Dani Wardhana S Sos MM M Han held a coffee morning with Banyumas media personnel by doing sports together playing woodball at […]