Tag Archives: birdie

Reason Why You Often Feel Sleepy after Exercise

There is a reason why you often feel sleepy, especially after exercise. However, what you should know is that drowsiness can be a sign that your body is having problems. Reporting from purewow.com, here are some reasons why you often feel sleepy after exercise. Curious? 1. You’re not getting enough sleep Apart from fatigue from […]

Not Only Style, Golf Can Extend Life!

Because the equipment is quite expensive, golf has always been considered synonymous with a high-end sport. However, behind it all, it turns out that the benefits of playing golf can have a positive impact on health. Starting from burning calories to make life longer. In one golf session, it usually takes about 4-5 hours. For […]

Golf is Good for The Body

Golf is one of the most popular sports in the world. Although it looks like a simple sport, golf has many benefits. Quoted from the Better Health Channel, golf can be mentally stimulating combined with a healthy walk in a pleasant environment. This sport can also be played by any age even though the ability […]

Warm Up Before Playing Golf

Performing basic warm-up exercises and stretching before a game can reduce the chance of injury, as golf warm-up exercises can provide you with flexibility, strength and balance, which are the most important requirements for a good golf swing. In addition, it helps you to relax and deal with stress. These are all factors that will […]

What Happens If You Rarely Exercise

It is not enough just to eat a balanced healthy diet, it is also necessary to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy body. Every week the body needs about 150 minutes to be active by exercising. Well, these 7 things you will experience if you are lazy to exercise regularly – Not sleeping well Exercise […]

Golf Facts

1. Golf Name The name for this sport probably comes from the Scottish pronunciation of the word kolf. In Dutch, this kolf means stick or bat. 2. Golf originated in Scotland The facts show that modern golf, as it is widely played today, originated and developed in Scotland. Such as the facts of the first […]

Baju Olahraga Golf Pria yang Nyaman Untuk Dipakai Main Golf

Bagi Anda pria yang suka olahraga golf, tentu Anda sudah tahu bahwa memilih baju olahraga golf pria sangat penting dan tidak boleh asal. Jika asal memilih baju olahraga golf tentunya selama olahraga yang kegiatannya dilakukan di lapangan outdoor akan mengakibatkan Anda sangat gerah. Agar tidak salah pilih baju olahraga, berikut kami akan bagikan rekomendasi baju […]

Cara Jadi Atlet Golf Profesional, Ini Kiat – Kiatnya!

Menjadi seorang atlet golf profesional memang tidak mudah namun bukan berarti tidak bisa. Bagi Anda yang ingin menjadi seorang atlet profesional, khususnya atlet golf pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan berbagi cara jadi atlet golf profesional untuk Anda. Dengan cara ini tentu diharapkan Anda yang bercita – cita menjadi seorang atlet golf profesional di masa […]

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