Category Archives: magazine

Golf Manager Guide

Golf management is no easy task and now that younger generations are getting promoted into management level positions you might find yourself managing day-to-day operations sooner than you think. Before you start managing the tee sheet, pro shop, and restaurant make sure you take some time to do some research and understand how to best […]

Breakfast Ball in Golf? What Does it Mean?

If you’ve ever played golf, particularly in the morning, you’ve no doubt seen someone hit a bad shot off the first tee. And then, almost instinctively, someone in the group said, “Go ahead and take a breakfast ball.” Then the player who hit the bad shot gets another ball, tees it up and hits again. […]

Deciding What Should or Shouldn’t Be Used in a Rule?

Do the rules of golf specify what types of objects are and are not appropriate to use as ball markers on the putting green? Do the rules prohibit the use of any particular objects as ball markers on the green? Let’s start by explaining the purpose of a ball marker. When a golfer’s ball rests […]

How to Netra Diffable Play Golf, Check Out Here!

The sport of golf can not only be done by golfers who have eyesight. Currently, golf can also be done by the disabled Netra. “Golf players who have eyesight or not are the same, there are no difficulties at all,” said Netra disabled golf coach and owner of Golf Driving at VGolf, Lotte Shopping Avenue, […]

These are The Facilities That Can be Accessed at Damai Indah Golf PIK

Damai Indah Golf Pantai Indah Kapuk is one of the largest golf courses in Indonesia which is located north of the city of Jakarta. The beautiful peace of beautiful Kapok beach golf was designed by one of the finest course designers Robert Trend Jones. Here are 5 (five) facilities that can be used at Damai […]

Why So Many Curves In A Golf Ball? This is The Reason!

Golf balls have hundreds of indentations on their surface. This is not just for display, but the indentations on the surface of the object serve a purpose. Reporting from the Mental Floss page, Sunday (9/19/21), it turns out that hundreds of indentations on the surface of a golf ball facilitate aerodynamic optimization, or the ball’s […]

This Campus Has Golf Courses! The Place is In Indonesia!

Not many people know that in the Physical Education and Health Study Program (Penjaskes), the Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP), Tanjungpura University (Untan), Pontianak, there is a golf course. This course is still relatively new, because it has only been running for the last year. One of the lecturers, Fitriani, said that the golf […]

Water Hazard or Penalty Area, Which is Right?

On a golf course, a “water hazard” is a pond, lake, river, stream, sea, bay, ocean or any other open water on the course, including ditches and drainage ditches. (A “lateral water hazard” refers to specific type of water hazard that runs parallel to a golf hole, and lateral water hazrads offer slightly different options […]

What Do Red Lines Mean on a Golf Course?

Red stakes pounded into the ground on a golf course or red lines painted on the ground are the markers used to indicate a lateral water hazard. A lateral water hazard is differentiated from a “regular” water hazard by the fact that it is, well, lateral. That is, it runs alongside or adjacent to the […]

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