It is not enough just to eat a balanced healthy diet, it is also necessary to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy body. Every week the body needs about 150 minutes to be active by exercising. Well, these 7 things you will experience if you are lazy to exercise regularly – Not sleeping well Exercise […]
Tag Archives: sport
The sport of golf is played on a specially designed field. This land is usually called a golf course or golf course (golf course). A golf course is a medium for playing the sport of golf. Golf is a game that does not have a standard playing field, but is played on a golf course, […]
Almost everyone who is beyond the beginner level of golf and plays golf at least a few times a year owns a pair (perhaps more than one pair) of golf shoes. But are golf shoes necessary to play golf? No, you don’t have to wear golf shoes to play golf. You can play on the […]
Ketika membuat sebuah film pasti genre yang dipilih selain drama romantis, action, thriller juga misteri. Jarang banget ada yang membuat film olahraga yang mengisahkan tentang keseharian para atlit dan bagaimana mereka mangatur waktu buat terus bisa menjadi atlit yang baik. Disney, dengan semua kemampuan magisnya, menampilkan film olahraga terbaik dengan nilai moral yang baik dan […]
Kepopuleran olahraga golf semakin meningkat di masyarakat. Sempat disebut sebagai olahraga masyarakat kelas atas, kekinian golf ramai dilakukan oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Lalu jika ingin mencoba bermain golf, persiapan apa saja yang harus dilakukan oleh pemula? “Bagi pemula yang mau main golf, usulan dari saya bisa beli set pemukul yang beginner dulu. Setelah memakai enam bulan, […]