Category Archives: magazine

Nilai Dalam Olahraga dan Kinerja Dalam Bermain Golf

Bermain Golf merupakan salah satu olahraga yang bertujuan untuk memasukkan bola ke dalam lubang yang disebut hole pada daerah yang telah ditentukan menggunakan stick golf sebagai pemukulnya. Seorang pemain golf harus mampu mengendalikan pikiran dan fisiknya sehingga mendapatkan pukulan yang diharapkan. Dalam olahraga golf, integritas adalah modal yang harus dimiliki seorang pemain golf, dimana terdapat kondisi bola jatuh dan […]

Keindahan Merapi Golf Yogyakarta

Sudahkah kamu berkunjung ke lapangan golf Merapi di Yogyakarta? Merapi Golf Yogyakarta dirancang oleh kenamaan dunia yaitu Thomson, Wolveridge dan Perret. Merapi Golf Yogyakarta terbuka untuk umum dan memiliki area permainan 18 hole dengan luasan 6370 meter dengan par 72. Merapi Golf Yogyakarta memiliki rintangan  yang cukup menantang berupa tapak yang berbukit dengan batuan vulkanik […]

A Brief History of the Olympics, the Greatest Sports Event in the World

The early history of the Olympics The Olympics originated in ancient Greece about 3,000 years ago and were revived in the late 19th century to become the world’s leading sporting competition. The ancient Olympics were held every four years from early August to mid-September during a religious festival in honor of Zeus. The match is […]

Types of Size Golf Cars With The Best Quality

A golf cart is a car that is usually used when playing golf. But the function of the golf cart itself is not only as public transportation when playing golf, but can be used when there are important people who have a tour schedule or to just go around the exhibition. In addition, the size […]

Recommended Places to Play Golf in Thailand

If you live in Thailand or are planning a trip to Thailand, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy this golf course. The beautiful golf course provides a challenge for experienced golfers and also provides an unforgettable experience for novice golfers. Here are three of the best golf courses you should try while in Thailand.   […]

Recommended Places to Play Golf in Malaysia

Golf is a relaxing sport. To play golf, it takes a special large field. When you are in Malaysia and want to play golf, here are some recommendations for you where to play golf in Malaysia. The Els Club Teluk Datai The Els Club Teluk Datai is located at Jalan Teluk Datai, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah, […]

Recommended Places to Play Golf in Singapore

One of the sports that must be played on a special course is golf. If you are in Singapore, the following recommendations for places to play golf in Singapore can be an option to visit.  Urban Fairways First there are Urban Fairways or also called Clubhouse SG. Here you can play golf through a simulator […]

The best golf balls for women

In contrast to their male counterparts, female golfers tend to produce slower swing speeds. Therefore, when playing with a regular golf ball, it will be difficult for women to reach the desired height and distance. The best golf balls for women must be tailored to these needs and not only feature luxurious and stylish colors. […]

Here’s How to Calculate Golf Score on Stroke Play

The scoring system in each sport certainly has a significant difference. As is the case in the world of green golf courses. This casual but skillful sport game has a fairly complex way of calculating golf scores. For those of you who want to try this elite sport, it is better to first identify the […]

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