Traditionally in golf, “blue tee” is a way of referring to the very back tee box on a golf course. If a golfer wants to play on the golf course the longest distance, he is playing from the blue tee.
And some golf courses still use blue to denote the back tee or championship tee. The difference is that in the “old days” in golf blue was almost always used; Today, golf courses may use any color imaginable.
The key is: If you catch a golfer or golfers talking about playing from the blue tee, it probably means they are talking about playing from the back tee or the championship tee – the longest tee in its class.
Traditional ‘Color Code’ of the Tee Box
Each golf hole starts from the teeing ground . Each teeing ground includes several tee boxes. These tee boxes are designated by “tee markers,” which may be a pair of cones, blocks, balls or other objects stuck in the ground or placed on the ground.
The tee markers are color coded. If you play from, say, a white tee (the tee box designated by the white tee marker) on Hole 1, then you will also play from the white on Hole 2, Hole 3 and every other hole.
Traditionally, golf courses have three tee boxes, designated by three colors:
Red tees: Also called front tees or “women’s tees,” reds are the shortest set of tees.
White tees: Also called center tees, regular tees or “men’s tees,” white is a mid-range set.
Blue tee: Also called the back tee or championship tee, the blues represent the longest yardage of the course.
As noted, many courses currently use four, five, six or more tee boxes per hole, and traditional colors are not always used at all; or, if they are, do not always match their traditional placement.
A blue set of tees today may be anywhere on the teeing ground, from front to center or back.
But the traditional meaning of “blue tee” is still something that is used as a synonym for a championship tee. If you read common references to blue tees, or hear the term in conversation, the reference might be to a series of golf course back tees.
Who Should Play the Blue Tee?
So if “blue tee” is used as a synonym for “back tee” or “championship tee,” then who should play it? Playing the squares means playing on the golf course the longest distance. And only lowly craftsmen should do it.
If you try to play from a distance that is too long for your skill level, your score will go up while your enjoyment level will (probably) go down. So choose a tee set that suits your skill level. For more on that see, ”
Source: eferrit