This Golf Course in Indonesia is Often Visited by Foreign Tourists

Special golf courses are slightly different from other types of sports fields in general. Because this one field is generally surrounded by beautiful scenery in the form of shady trees decorated with fresh green grass. There are even several golf courses in Indonesia that are often visited by foreign tourists.

List of Gold Fields Most Visited by Foreign Tourists

1. Nirwana Bali Golf in Bali

Nirwana Bali Golf in Bali is one of the most talked about golf courses by golfers. How not, because the location for playing golf is surrounded by beautiful views that are soothing to the eyes and specially designed for professional players. Besides being used as a training ground, this place is also fun to be used as a place to enjoy the sunset.

2. Ria Bintan Golf in the Riau Islands

Tired of the usual golf courses? It seems that you should taste the privilege of playing golf at Ria Bintan Golf in the Riau Archipelago. Claimed to be able to provide an unforgettable experience, even Gary Player recognized Ria Bintan Golf as the most favorite golf course out of 10 golf courses he had designed.

Although this golf course in Indonesia has been built since 1998, it is still the best area in Asia to play golf. Not only domestic golfers, even the charm it offers has been heard overseas. As a result, it is not surprising that many golf players around the world are familiar with the golf course.

3. Damai Indah Golf in Jakarta

Damai Indah Golf in Jakarta is one of the golf courses that is often used as a location for holding international championships. The players can feel the mental challenges that are ready to face in every part of the field. However, the originator of the idea of ​​making the field did not forget to add beautiful scenery to make the area much more beautiful.

While at Damai Indah Golf, guests and club members can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature as well as try several other facilities. Starting from swimming freely in a fairly large swimming pool area, playing on outdoor and indoor courses, and honing your skills in playing golf can be done at this golf course in Indonesia.

4. Taman Dayu Golf Club And Resort in Surabaya

Who doesn’t know Taman Dayu Golf Club And Resort? This golf course, which is located in the city of Heroes, presents an incredibly beautiful charm in the form of a row of mountains that look dashing and charming. Starting from Mount Semeru, Mount Arjuno, and Mount Welirang which blend beautifully with all-green and beautiful scenery ready to spoil the eyes.

In 1995, Taman Dayu Golf Club And Resort was designated as a private golf course and an exclusive country club which is generally visited by business professionals and international partners. So don’t be surprised if you see a group of foreign tourists on vacation as well as doing business there.

5. Finna Golf And Country Club

Finna Golf And Country Club is a golf course that is quite well known to the international scene. The field, which stands on an area of ​​6,345 meters, is close to the Welirang and Penanggungan Mountains. As a result, players can enjoy the cool air and enjoy the various facilities provided.

Indonesia has always been known for its natural wealth. Not only presented in tourist destinations, even some of them are found on special golf courses. Even part of the field is often used as a playground as well as a vacation spot for foreign tourists.

Source: olahragagolf

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