Kharisma Bangsa High School Student, Mikail Jaydra, Recorded Hits That Almost Matched PGA Tour Golfers

Some time ago, the 2021 Prakasa Long Drive Championship was held, which was held at the Prakasa Driving Range, Kostrad. This is the first event in Indonesia, which is similar to the event in the United States, namely the Amateur Long Drive Championship. In the event, Mikail Jaydra’s name stuck out after winning the tournament.


The Long Drive Championship event which took place at the Shooting Field and Sports Complex of the 1st Infantry Division of Kostrad, was part of the grand opening of the Prakasa Driving Range. Driving itself is a place where golf players, both beginner and professional level, practice to hit the ball and improve their strokes in the game.


The first championship held in Indonesia was also enlivened by 11 high-ranking army officers. In addition, this tournament itself was followed by a number of five categories of participants, namely the pro category, high-ranking officers or military officers, regular military, the age category above 30 years, and also the age category under 30 years.


So that the total who participated in the first championship in Indonesia were 74 golfers, including 51 civilian golfers and 33 military golfers, namely 22 regular military golfers and 11 starch. The event was also symbolically opened by the Commander of the 1st Infantry Division of Kostrad, Major General TNI Dedy Kusmayadi, who hit the first ball at the Prakasa Driving Range.


All categories that play in the Prakasa Long Drive Championship 2021, compete for prizes in the form of an automatic motorbike. And in the age category under 30 years old, Mikail Jaydra, who is a junior amateur golfer, was declared the winner. The 17-year-old student, who is still in grade 12 at SMA Kharisma Bangsa, managed to win the event by outperforming other players.


Mikail Jaydra who is a junior amateur golfer, managed to win the match with the farthest stroke record which was 302.70 meters. The record was achieved after being given a fourth chance. Where the first registration gets 3 chances of hitting, but on the second and subsequent registrations get two chances.


In the first and second strokes he did, Mikail’s parents and coach said that he was only able to reach 296.6 meters and 298.8 meters. So it was not unexpected when the next blow turned out to be able to break through 300. Even mikail himself expressed his joy, after successfully winning 1st place in the event.


The record that was inscribed by Mikail Jaydra at the 2021 Prakasa Long Drive Championship event, is said to be almost equal to the record held by PGA Tour golfers. The PGA Tour is an annual golf tournament, organized by the American Professional Golf Association.


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