The Reason Why Golf Balls Are Made “Holes”, Not Flat Like Balls In General

You are certainly no stranger to being called a ball. In fact, when asked about the shape of the ball, what comes to mind is that it is round and has a smooth and flat surface. However, this is not the case with golf balls.

If you look at it, the ball has a hollow or hole design around it. Of course you are asking why golf balls are made with holes around them and what is the function of these holes? Now, as for the golf ball, it has such a shape, because if the golf ball has a hole, it is intended that the distance the ball travels is more than double the ball that does not have a hole. The hole will reduce air resistance.

Air will enter the surface of the hole and launch the ball when hit. In fact, this designed hole can help reduce vibration when hitting. One hole on a golf ball is said to have about half the ball having a smooth surface.

So this is why golf balls are made with a hole design all around.

Quoted from, senior scientist Tom Veilleux and director of aerodynamics research at Top-Flite Golf Company, Vince Simonds explained to Scientific American: “Dimple-like holes in golf balls create a thin turbulent air boundary layer that adheres to the surface of the ball. This allows the air flowing smoothly to follow the surface of the ball a little further around the back side of the ball, thereby reducing the size of the wake. The dimple ball has about half the pull of a fine ball. ”

In addition, the existing hole also helps lift.

The smooth ball is lifted from the backspin, which creates greater air pressure at the bottom of the ball than at the top, creating an upward force on the ball. But while “the rotating ball accounts for about half of the golf ball lift,” continue Veilleux and Simonds, “the other half is provided by the dimples, which allow for optimizing lift.”

Source: bangkapos

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